Thanks to Jenn for the info (via her blog).
Biased Article
This article really got me pissed. It says Singaporeans are happy that Nathan had a walkover. I'll now list why this article is bloody propaganda and plainly stupid.
Said one Singaporean, "He tries to participate in all activities organised by the grassroots; he tries to be close to the people."
That's not his job as a President. He's supposed to be the check and balance, not the popular figurehead that goes around cutting ribbons and planting trees. (And if I really want to be offensive, making prata.)
Another said, "He interacts with the people, he comes down to the people's level. I think that is important for a leadership role."
Leader of what? What leadership abilities has he displayed. Compared to OTC's request to check the finances of our country, what abilities has he displayed besides the above? Or is being a leader just putting your photo and your wife photo in official rooms?
Said a third person, "I am pretty happy with his performance as a president. Before, he was an ambassador for Singapore to Americans; I thought he did a good job."
On what basis does this aforesaid Singaporean made the judgement that he did a good job as an ambassador? I bet, that Singaporean thought... USA NEVER INVADE SINGAPORE...GOOD JOB NATHAN! And why are you happy with his performance? He did absolutely nothing except fly around the world planting trees and inspecting foreign soldier uniform and showing the world he's just a PAP figurehead. Geez. (and making prata :D)
The rest of the article is just more bullcrap rehash of the above except with names. Now as to why it's a walkover, the only other candidate that has a chance to pass the board's scrutiny would be Andrew Kuan, who according to this article, here:
JTC Corp is a statutory board with S$11 billion in assets and its Chief Financial Officer is mentioned in the JTC Act as being responsible for financial administration of the corporation.
And yet, the board says that being a CFO is not enough seniority. Sure, a S$11 billion asset company and I'm in charge of the finance of the company and I'm not senior nor responsible enough. BULLSHIT.
What is a CFO
Isn't the job of a CFO emminently suited to performing the duties of the Elected President? Any idiot can do what Nathan has been doing the last six years, but someone who has the experience of a CFO would be much more able to perform the other constitutional duties of the Elected President.
From the Constitution:
(iv) in any other similar or comparable position of seniority and responsibility in any other organisation or department of equivalent size or complexity in the public or private sector which, in the opinion of the Presidential Elections Committee, has given him such experience and ability in administering and managing financial affairs as to enable him to carry out effectively the functions and duties of the office of President.
Funny how the board completely missed article (iv), which would qualify Kuan no? Seriously, if you tell me JTC fufils non of the above, then wtf has the Singapore government been doing? (Oh wait, that's a oxymoron question)
This is a complete mockery of democracy. But then again, living in Singapore, one gets used to it no? So poor Kuan, you can't appeal, since it's final, unless you can get like a shitload of people doing a petition, then PAP got no choice.
Anyway, PAP has been giving strong signals to the board itself not to let Kuan's application be passed.
Look at this
Just look at the remarks made by PM Lee. I could summarize it in two sentence.
Don't let him run or there will be dire consequences on you, the board.
Singaporeans watch out, this guy got nothing but I want to imply he got alot of fishy stuff.
Please, just say out loud the bad things. Don't hide behind a curtain of unwanted advice.
So, 24 this year, three years after I can vote, and I can't vote. Why? Should be obvious no?