Monday, August 01, 2005

I forgot the ice cream....

Which to placate Elisa, HEY AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH I mean ice scream. cream. :D Rachel is back too. LOL (10am reach Brisbane today. How cool is that?) I am now thinking hard. Should I spend 70 bucks for dance class, 70 bucks for course readers and 100 bucks for shorthand lessons? Expensive lah. Tmd. The 2nd is a must, while the 1st and 3rd are optional, but if I don't continue my dance, it's like wasted my first lessons. If I learn shorthand, it will help me out for the other journalism stuff. Grrrr. Oh yes, as certain people have pointed out, I've been spelling lasagna wrong. But I'm not the only one!!11!!!11 ok.. Here's proof: Lagsana And FYI, I didn't use any of the recipes here. They all want ingredients that I don't have. Experimentation is the best way!!! (Well, not really but failed experiments are bad...) I'll think of something interesting to write (something about literacy and blogging naysayers soon. Or just some random funny crap. Or just pr0n.) Cheers


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