Saturday, June 05, 2004

Wow. Not a bad day, not a horrible day too. somewhere in the middle cos both extremes happened. Firstly, went down with Sel to go for SI audition. It was raining, horrible queues, and long standing hours. Now i don't mind if at least i get a shot at the audition but what they did was 8 hours (no food, some tap water (toilet) and no seats) into the bloody thing they told us to come back tomorrow. WTF. Could have just cleared out first 500 and tell the rest of the 2000 ppl to come back another time or something. Bloody hell. somemore i was right in front when they told me and sel and my group to come back tomorrow. bah! So after being pissed off, me and sel went to watch Harry Potter, unforunately (but not unexpected), the tickets there were sold out so i convinced poor Sel in her High Heels (TM) to walk to Shaw heh. She says tomolo she die die wear slippers. Hah! So we grabbed a BK but the stupid atm can only dispense 50 bucks. no choice need cash so.... Watched HP after that and then accompanied Sel till she managed to contact her parents. Bah NTU and NUS send me letter. of rejection. Pooi. Oh well. Not sour grapes or anything but... I only wanted local Uni to save on expenses. Guess I have to apply overseas then. I mean my results are much better then some of my coursemates and they got into overseas uni. hmmm oh well can try. heh. Tomolo's going to be..another long day. Sigh. Wish me luck Hur hur.


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