Tuesday, June 01, 2004

So..hey. i watched Troy today. pretty good visuals, though some inaccurate parts. The war for Troy wasn't that short if i remember correctly when i was digging greek mythology. oh well. got pissed today. don't really get pissed that often but am sick of tantrums. Oh well. lost mood to play my games, so decided to watch Daddy's gals on tv and surf teh net. yubz found some funny stuff. DO NOT CLICK IF U'RE UNDERAGED! blah blah (bet that made u click the link so fast you can't say SEX) Fun Stuff that really cheered me up, though daddy's gals was kinda corny, but idiot that i am, i kinda like Lulu, so bloody cutesy blur. wierd. i prefer intelligent gals, but bimbos are kinda fun. o.O they are so dumb u can fool them all the time, contary to the popular fool half the time saying. go figure. oh well. guess i'll try to blog more. hey really like the new stuff on blogger. kinda encouraging hehe. and i'm thinking of just joining SI for the fun of it. o.O "u can't sing u can't dance. what more do u want me to say?" hehehe. Sel says she's joining so........ maybe just go down and sing and look stupid on tv haha. i don't think if i sign up i'll go queue overnight though. that's crazy. prob go later then get the news that the next date of auditions. heh. No point joining Singapore's Favourite Hobby (not eating, the other one). Oh another good thing, my level 131 Shade on Anarchy Online is leveling well. Will find the mood and go level some more. I hate heckler leveling (those who don't get this part too bad :) ) Lastly it's a bloody nice long weekend, only going back to work on Thursday and my RQ is on leave. WooT! Gonna clear up some more stuff, and then when it's all done i can SLACK! god i hate work. soo many things, so little time, and pay. If i were working outside right now the money i would be making would be hell alot more. And they wonder why NSF got NO MOTIVATION. LOVE teh country? right.... waste my 2 years of studying/work life. right. Plus now the news is out. it's NEPOTISM!! yay. or is it Cronisym. hmm could be a monarchy with a regent. haha. go figure. laterz


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