Friday, June 18, 2004

My gf is damn evil. Supposedly had physiotheraphy. but i left the letter back at the office so they refused to see me. grrrrr. Why is she evil? cos... she want me to go down to TP and meet her. Why is that evil? cos it was 12pm in the bloody hot singapore afternoon, i dunno where the blardy place is, so i spent 1hour+ walking under the hot sun trying to find the place. it turns out it's way way way way way deep inside the blardy army camp. so... after walking there i was early then blardy hell got no air con at all. stuffy hot. Then after getting rejected i had to walk OUT. finally reaching home i took a bath and called my gf back cos she said she's going to Jenny's place. o.O turns out she's still at school and want me to go down to school. kaoz. hot leh. spare some sympathy for me. called me a fat lazy ass. i'm tired, hot and still sweating despite the cold cold shower. and my back is now acting up again. grrrr. Oh and i heard from a friend she called them up they ask her to wear what she wore for her last audition. she tells me that they changed the timing for everyone. odd odd. What's going on with Singapore Idol?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

im not evil!!!!

6/20/2004 04:59:00 AM  

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